Saturday, October 07, 2006

On Vacation in Banff

The day I took this was declared a rest day, which mostly meant that we didn't drive anywhere. I took advantage of the family sleeping late to try for a hike that would exhaust me. I chose Mt Rundle, which was right across the valley from our hotel. The guide book listed the trail as 14 km with a 1700 foot elevation gain. So much for rest. I left at 6:30, got coffee and was on the official trail by 7. It took me 2 and a half hours to get to the summit, but I was rewarded by the sun just beginning to come over the mountain in front of me and have it warm my back on the return trip.

I had walked in silence on the way up, but as I was tired and hurrying on the way down, I went with a low volume iPod accompaniment. I met several hikers coming the other direction, each asking what to expect ahead, each thinking they were the early birds on the trail. About ¾ down, I saw a couple ahead of me taking it slow and enjoying the vistas. I was only about 5 yards from them, just around a quick turn in the trail when they first noticed me. The woman in the lead jumped and made three quick, loud claps.

My backcountry friends know what that means.

I was next to her in two more strides and clearly saw in her eyes the fear of a person who believed she was about to die.

Distracted by the scenery, she had mistaken a lumbering, dirty, stinking, humming American for a marauding grizzly bear.

I guess that's funny.

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